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The Wagonteamster Channel has it’s first video production - Journey To the Valley Of the Wild Horses


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River Of Gold


11/7/12, Iron Mountain Pump Station, CA (Coord. N. 34 deg, 05.230 min; W. 115 deg, 06.793 min)

After a long trek through the desert, the lads and I struck it rich. You might imagine the ‘Ol Teamster picking up a rock to throw at his donkey and discovering it laced with gold.  Unfortunately, that was not the case. However, we did stumble across something even more valuable in this arid country; an aqueduct of clear, swift running, cold water.  The gold only makes the ‘want-to-be friends’ fake friendship, and the tax man drool, but clear water will quench a parched throat and see you through a dry desert.  So, maybe I should say, ‘I found a rivers of liquid diamond!’.

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The first order of business after a 50 mile arid trek - tanking up the horses!

With Doc and Bob hitched, the wagon swiftly pulled through the first nine miles of the day’s journey. The sun was only one hand span above the horizon when we rolled out of camp. The lads were eager and the miles swiftly rolled by. I wasn’t expecting to find the aqueduct so early in my journey, so it was a surprise when I sat in front of the right-of-way and said, “Gee, I think that’s an aqueduct off to my side” - duh! 

After scouting out the best avenue of approach, I pulled the team in and set about the important business of pumping out a little water. First came the horses, then the containers. then the wagon water tank, then a quick wash and shampoo, and finally I gave the horses a little bath and washed off a few days of sweat salt and crud - what a nice stop!

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My handy little sump pump. With a length of hose and the wagon electrical system it does an invaluable job!

With 120 gallons of water back onboard, and the horses tanked up, I was once again able to set my sights on the distant horizon!

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Salt covered and hot in the 85 degree heat, the lads really enjoyed getting hosed off.

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Doc usually doesn’t like a bath, but didn’t mind it a bit this time.

After our midmorning break, I rehitched the team and drove another 2 or 3 miles to the top of the hill before having lunch.

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This picture was taken from my lunch location with a 200 mm lens and shows my previous camp, 11 miles from my lunch location.  Where the road in the foreground disappears, before carrying on to the left, in the distance; my camp the previous evening was on the far left side of the range of mountains (where the road is hidden from view).

Tonight, I’m 18 miles from my previous camp in another place where the aqueduct crosses under the road.  Again, the team is well watered and enjoying a restful night.

With 50 mile to go until I hit the town of Parker, AZ, I should have no problem making it with the feed and water stored in the wagon and trailer.

Once again. this was a great day.

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The only thing that can compare with a desert sunset is a sunrise!

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As the sun dips below the horizon, the whole sky can look really beautiful!