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The Wagonteamster Channel has it’s first video production - Journey To the Valley Of the Wild Horses


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Ready For Civilization


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5/29/12, S.W. of Rock Springs, WY - I bet you never thought I would what I did in the title of the blog? Today wasn’t a particularly hard day, just long. The horses are tired and in need of a day off.  If I can get all my supplies tomorrow in Rock Springs, I’m going to find the first place I can with a source of water and take a day off.

The morning hours were spent on the mesa, and it wasn’t until after lunch that I finally started the descent.  The scenery was absolutely amazing, with the deep valleys taking on a canyon type appearance.

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Now, Hollywood B.O.B. is trying to turn Doc into a movie star!

I had the two Belgians pulling in the morning, but Bill started playing out, so I swapped Doc out for him. Bill and Bob and have a normal amount of endurance, while Doc borders on the super-horse.  Even so, I can look in his eyes and tell when he needs a little time off from pulling.

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Now, B.O.B. is trying to get me in the Hollywood act.

My criteria for selecting tonight’s camping spot was simple. I needed a good place to pull off and a place for the horses to get some grazing, that isn’t all full of sagebrush. About 3 miles from Interstate 80 I found it. I figured this was about as close to town as I could get and still be on BLM land so I can get off the highway.

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Nobody really quite gets into their rolls like Doc.  He give it everything he’s got. B.O.B. on the other hand, somehow managed to get so dirty rolling in the sandy soil, he looks like a roan instead of a sorrel.

I’m going to try and make three stops in town tomorrow.  I have to get groceries, feed and a couple of things from the auto part store.  I imagine that there will also be some time for meeting people and letting them pet the horses.

I’m bushed, so y’all have a good night.