7/8/10, Pagosa Junction, CO - The last few days have been busy ones; full of haying, irrigation, a horseback ride, and also a near miss.
There is an old saying ‘If you’re going to be stupid, you better be tough (and quick). But, no matter how tough (and quick) you are, it is possible to be too stupid.’ Yesterday morning, I was almost too stupid!
Yesterday morning, when I went out to grain the horses, I treated everything like it was my normal herd of three horses and walked amongst them with the grain bucket, pouring grain in each of the feed pans. I know the horses have enough respect for me to keep their distance, but I keep an eye on them because they defend their grain from each other. What I didn’t take in account, was the addition of LuAnn’s two Haflingers. With five horses in the herd, I couldn’t keep an eye on everyone.
As I was walking behind B.O.B., he took a double heel kick at one of the Haflingers. which was moving two close to his feed pan. I saw it coming out of the corner of my eye and dodged away, but not quick enough. Once of his feet just grazed me above the knee, the other foot just grazed my forehead.
My first response was to give him a good smack. My second was to say. “Ouch”. For my stupidity, I had a goose egg above the knee - which is now gone. I also have a nice scrape on my forehead, which will serve to remind me that I wasn’t too bright.
From now on, I’m putting out the grain behind a closed gate, then letting the horses into their feed (which is what I should have done all along!