5/12/10, Lewis, CO - As I’m waiting for the snow to melt in the Colorado mountains,I figure I have about three weeks to wander aimlessly throughout Southeastern Utah. So, that’s where I’m off to next. And, now for today’s travels:
Jim, my host last night, was great company, so I didn’t hit the road until 9 am. After I made it back out to the highway, there was an endless parade of people stopping to talk and to see the team. This happens whenever a story in the local newspaper comes out before I clear out of an area. But, I’m not complaining at all. I really enjoy meeting people, and it’s nice to see them interact with the horses - especially the kids.
The first folks that stopped, did so in front of a farm that had camels and llamas, so I asked if we could rejoin a couple of hundred yards up the road. Ever since I stayed at a llama farm in Texas, the team has been good about them, but I wanted to make sure the kids were safe.
This little girl really liked feeding carrots to the lads.
The next vehicle held Melissa Weber and her two little kids. Melissa’s kids attend a small private school. The school has a half day for field trips Friday, so the school is probably going to load up and come visit me. This will be a first - the school comes to the team!
It’s amazing how gentle and careful these great beasts are around little ones, the old and the developmentally challenged adults. I believe they treat them like they would colts in a herd - with a lot of care and tolerance.
If you haven’t noticed, I’ve had Bob trailing behind for the past couple of days. He’s started to get a neck sore, so I pulled him out of harness while it heals. When I bought Bob, he had an old scar on his neck. This is very visible because there is a small white spot on his neck. Scar tissue is more sensitive than regular skin and won’t really callous up. So, if you are looking to purchase a horse, look for a small spot where there is a loss of pigment, at a place where tack is positioned. This can indicate an old injury that is now scar tissue. If you plan on using him a lot, the scar tissue can form a sore faster than the normal skin.
Bob should be back in harness in about a week and a half; but, I’ll change collar sizes on him again so the rub point will be in slightly different spot.
B.O.B in his favorite position - walking behind the trailer. He doesn’t have to work too hard for his supper and there are a lot of pets and treats.
When I stopped to pick up a couple of things at the gas station, I had Mesa Verde to the southeast, and Ute Mountain to the southwest. This was the back drop for our southern view for the whole day.
When they work hard enough, a team learns to rest quietly when you stop. There’s no point in expending energy uselessly.
I pulled into the entrance of a ranchette development for lunch, where quite a few people stopped to chat. Just before I took off, I noticed that Doc had worn the Drilltek off one corner of a front shoe. As I was getting ready to re-shoe him, Todd King, a farrier, showed up with his two kids. Talk about a heaven sent opportunity! After I pulled the old shoes, Todd was kind enough to trim the feet. Then, I set one shoe and Todd the other. I’ve met a lot of nice farriers on the trip, but none that were kind enough to volunteer to shoe one of my draft horses - they generally know better than to subject themselves to that form a physical punishment - Thanks Todd.
Todd King setting one of Doc’s shoes. He has done it several thousand times more than I have, so he’s faster and better at it then I ever will be.
Taking a little break on top of the earthen dam for a reservoir. The sound of the outflow water running beneath their feet didn’t bother the team a bit.
Tonight, I’m camped at Claude and Becky’s place, about a mile north of the town of Lewis. The lads are running around on a nice 8 acre pasture with my host’s two horses. Every time I look out, they have their heads buried in the grass, so I know they’re having a good time. As a rule of thumb, I can turn them out with other geldings with no problems. If there is a mare in the bunch, all bets are off. If there is a blond Belgian mare, B.O.B. would start telling his blonde-Belgian jokes and the new herd would erupt in chaos!
In a few days, I’ll be in Monticello, Utah. There’s still too much snow in the high country of the Colorado Rockies, so I plan on killing some time and seeing some nice country while it melts. I’m not sure of my route yet, so if you have any suggestions let me know. I don’t want to travel more than 150 miles from Monticello, I can only go about 50 miles without water. and 200 miles from a source of grain. And, I’m reluctant to eat snakes and bugs, so I would like to get groceries every week or so. With those restrictions in mind, I’m open to suggestions.
Following, are a couple of pictures that Lu Ann sent me of the Ladies Driving Clinic from a couple of weeks ago. Also here is a link to the Cortez Journal story that Hope wrote. In addition to being a good cook, Hope is also a good writer!
The Instructors: myself, Lu Ann Baker, and Chuck Baley. It was a real pleasure working with a couple of experienced and professional teamsters.
First lesson in team driving. I’m there to take pictures and wish the team ‘Bon Voyage’ if they run off.