5/1/12, Cowtown, CO - I‘m currently 16 miles, Northwest of Saguache, CO, on route 114. On the wagon, I never know what the day is going to bring. This one was certainly no exception.
It was a short drive into Saguache this morning. After asking at the gas station about where I could fill up my water jugs, I was directed to the Forest Service Ranger Station, on the way out of town.
Before reaching there, I came across a young cowboy that was excited to see the horses. Tye and his great-grandfather ran out in to the yard to watch us go by.
Driving through the double cut of rock, just south of Saguache, CO
Knowing a future Teamster when I see one, I pulled in next to the house to give this young fellow a closer look. I didn’t know it at the time, but Young Tye is already pretty much a working Ranchhand. Only this past weekend, he climbed up in the saddle with his mom while they went out rounding up cows so the calves could be branded. He had the saucy look in his eye, but I was fooled because I didn’t see the indentation of a can of snuff in his shirt pocket.
This young cowboy wasn’t at all intimidated by the size of the horses. First he had to give Bob and Doc a couple of pets.
Then, he had to climb up on Bill and see how he sits.
Finally, Tye had to climb in the wagon and go for a spin.
While Tye was checking out the quality of my stock, I had a chance to fill up my water jugs and top off the wagon tank.
This was a nice visit with yet another great American family.
In Saguache, I took a turn Northwest on State Route 114. The road soon climbed up on the side of a hill, overlooking the lush Saguache Creek Valley.
I had a comment yesterday about someone wanting to see some elk. The wagon tries to provide for all, so a herd of about a dozen elk trotted out into a hayfield so I could take their picture.
Elk are always easy to differentiate from deer at a distance. They move with a swinging trot that is very unique.
All day long, the scenery was fantastic. At lunch I pulled over on a little knoll to enjoy the view of the rock on the surrounding mesas and the lush green, irrigated land along the creek bottom.
All day long people were stopping to chat and take pictures. About an hour before quitting time, a cowboy stopped to chat and told me about a public corral that was located 3 or 4 miles down the road. This was perfect, so I headed for it.
Some of my visitors this evening - all tremendous people.
When I got to the corrals, I was greeted by Gary and Joan Wilfong. They helped me get settled and we did some visiting as I was stripping the harness of the lads. Joan has been following my blog and drove out from the Valley to say hi. She was kind enough to bring me some fresh eggs and bottle of home brewed “Orange Jack” A little hootch is always a welcome addition to the wagon stores. The horses were not left on the sidelines, as Joan also had a big bag of carrots.
A mile east of here is the entrance to Cowtown, which is a recreated western town. It was there that I met a nice couple from Wisconsin that later joined me for a visit at the corrals.
Dave and Joanne Wendl also stopped to visit me at the corrals. They are set to open Cowtown as a tourist destination this summer. After I got the horses settled in, I jumped in Dave’s car and took a look at his creation. I was really impressed.
Gifts from the Valley: Eggs, hootch and carrots - does it get better than that?
Old Cowtown looks like a great place to go for vacation. There’s a really nice ten room hotel, an RV park, a saloon, dance hall with live entertainment, a museum and much more. Dave and Joanne also have a pair of Belgians which they can hitch to a whole slew of really deluxe horse drawn vehicles; including, a stage coach and several buggies and surrys. The also have an old time glass cased, horse drawn hearse, but I wouldn’t ask for a ride! You can find out more about Old Cowtown at www.OldCowTownColorado.com. There phone number is (719) 665-2224.
The Streets of Old Cowtown
The Hotel, church and livery stable.
In the meantime, the horses are making out like bandits. The public corral had an attached, public pasture of about 10 acres. With a stream running through it, and plenty of spring grass, they have at last reached Nirvana! As sweet as that new grass is, I didn’t dare give them oats as well. As it is, they’ll be like kids with a coca-cola and jelly bean bed time snack!
I tried to ask B.O.B. to pose for a photo-op. The only thing I got in reply was, “Don’t bother me man, I’ve got a belly to fill!”
Just when I think I’ve seen it all, the wagon will show me something new and really cool. What’s on tap for tomorrow?
I’m not even going to try and guess!