8-24-08. Franklin, NH
This has been an incredible day. First there has been the kindness and generosity of all that I have met. Everywhere we went, people were smiling, taking pictures, stopping to chat, giving me hay, money, food, help, good advice, a place to stay - unbelievable! I’m not going to mention all the names, because I’m sure I would forget someone, but you and I both know who you are.
Somehow, the team managed to pull the wagon 20 miles today. Even though the terrain was fairly flat, it was an outstanding effort. I made sure there was a little extra oats in the grain bucket tonight. I’m now camped in Franklin, NH, on land owned by the local Elks club - thanks to the Elks and the Franklin Firefighters. I do want to mention that Scott in Boscawn makes good hay and the Franklin Firefighters cook a mean barbeque chicken.
The team and I are going to lay up for a day of rest - they definitely deserve it.
Jim Strong and his son Jake of Concord rode with me as far as Boscawen - great company.
Anyone that thinks 99.9% of all Americans are not the best people in the world are wrong and need to quit watching CNN, Fox and all the other networks!
What a day!