The biggest event of the day occurred this morning. I was just stretching out for a nap when I heard a commotion. Apparently, an elderly couple canoeing on the river capsized their canoe in the small rapids shown above, about 500 yards above the camp. By the time I got out there, they had already drifted past the eddy in front of the camp and were back in the 5 mph current. Fortunately, they both were wearing life jackets, but they didn’t have the strength to swim the canoe to shore when they pulled into the eddy.
I grabbed a 50 feet rope from the trailer and went after them, down the river bank. The current was carrying them faster than I could navigate along the steep bank, but all was not lost. A lot younger and more athletic guy caught up with me. I passed him the rope and watched him fly down river (a lot faster than I could follow). He was able to get the rope to the old guy at the next eddy, 1/4 mile downstream. When the old guy decided to continue downstream while we assisted his wife up the river bank, he said, “Been married 52 years and now she wants to divorce me - ha ha”.