2/28 & 3/1/10 - 2/28/10, Evant, TX - The past couple of days, I’ve had to exist in the primitive world of no cell or internet service, Tonight, (3/1) I have marginal internet and phone, so I should be able to post this blog. The 28th was a wonderful day with clear skies and warm temperature, Everywhere we went, folks stopped to chat and bring us gifts. One couple drove all the way up from Austin to say ‘Hi’. They have been following the blog for about a year.
Cooking up some Bacon & Eggs at the first morning break.
The terrain from the Cowboy Church to the town of Evant was rolling hills and rangeland. If that wasn’t challenging enough, the ten mile stretch leading into town was under construction, and the shoulders were tore up. Most of the time I could drive on the half-paved shoulder, but it was only about a foot wider then the wagon, so it required a lot of work on the lines to keep them rolling in such a straight line. A mile short of town, I was invited to pull into Kyle and Rita Arnold’s place for the night. They used the excuse of my stay to throw together a nice Texas Barbecue. Kyle is a master of the beef brisket, and has a sauce that is second to none. The homemade biscuits & gravy really topped everything off.
The 10 miles east of Evant was construction with marginal shoulders.
3/1/10, Center City, TX - Since this is the geographical center of Texas, I guess you could say that it will be a while before I get out of the state. All day long it rained, but it kept the team cool and I stayed nice and dry up front. From the Guest Book entries, I see someone stopped at lunch, but I was busy eating my soup and didn’t hear her.
Another change in the scenery - Live Oak in the range land.
The terrain was hilly, and a tough pull for Bob and Doc. I’m starting to see more Live Oak and less Mesquite in this part of Texas. This state has some really varied terrain, and when you’re traveling at 3 mph, you really take notice of the differences in topography and flora.
In the crossroads of Center City, I met Bill, owner of the Muleshoe Ranch. Bill has several pairs of mules and horses that he drives. His sheds are loaded without about every type of carriage and wagon you can imagine.
The team is actually in a modern steel pen at this old homestead.
Tonight, the team and I are settled in at an old homestead that Bill owns, about a mile and a half down the highway from his ranch. We’re all setup with complimentary hay and grain and we have the run of the place.
In talking with Bill, he asked if I had ever heard of Bernie Harbets, as he had read Bernie’s book and was quite impressed. Of course, I filled his ear with good things about my old friend Bernie.
An icon of America-gone-by; an old ranch house (not used) on a 75 acre homestead.
Tonight, Clementine are having a wagon-favorite for supper - Southern Fried Chicken, Potatoes and Milk Gravy. Whenever I use to stop by my Grandma’s she would break out her cast iron skillet and whip me up a batch. Clem is happy that a young feller paid attention when his Grandma (god bless her) use to cook up her victuals!
I’m giving the team a day off tomorrow. It’s suppose to be good weather, so I think I’ll saddle Doc and take him for a ride around the place. Since the property has a fence line around it, I’ll probably turn the Belgians loose. As long as I have Doc, and some soft ground for tracking, it shouldn’t be too hard to round them up amongst all the cedar, mesquite and live oak trees. I’ll let you know tomorrow night on how well I fared with the early spring roundup - yipee ki yeah.