Each of these gentlemen started their travels with the idea of doing something for themselves; but soon, they also found themselves touching the lives of thousands of others. When they left behind a life that pursued personal comfort and ‘normalcy’, they soon discovered that uncertainty became normal and ‘fun’. And as good people everywhere beheld their strength, courage, determination and spirit, they began to inspire hope and dreams in others. Heroes are not born as such, they are created from the fires of life, with a lot of help from a good team and endless roads.
Looking back, we measure the value of our lives by the times we have spent with our family, friends and humanity in general. Places we have gone, people we have helped and fun times generate good and lasting memories. While basking in comfort and a ‘normal’ existence rarely causes any lasting memories. It really doesn’t matter what path we have chosen, most of us will still end our lives being cared for by others. When you’re waiting for a diaper change in later years, it helps if you have some good memories and stories to fall back on.