9/29/10, La Garita, CO - Last April, while traveling down the lonley 200 mile stretch of road from Ft. Sumner, NM to Sante Fe, I met Jerry Nusbaum. Every two days, as he was hauling semi loads of Alfalfa down to dairies, near Clovis, NM, he would stop and say hello. Both of us really looked forward to these roadside meetings. On one trip, Jerry brought his wife Bonnie down to meet me.
Last month, I stopped in to visit the Nusbaum’s at their home in La Garita, and had a great time. I had a couple of extra days to wander this week, so I stopped in to visit with Jerry and Bonnie again. I was just planning on spending a night, but they graciously invited me to keep the team in a 79 acre pasture they own at the edge of town, while I go off to earn some money. I happily accepted. Not only does this solve a lot of problems on what to do with the team while I head off on a six week job, it also happens to be a great town to settle down and establish a home base; so I’ll be looking for a local home when I return from the job. Now, I have no intentions of setting my roots down, so deep, that I would become a homebody; but, it’s time to reestablish a base of operations. The wagon will roll again. And, if I happen to establish my home base in the nicest place I’ve found in my journeys, so much the better.