I took this picture of the lead team at a truck stop near Interstate 40. Doc was feeling a little saucy, so he stuck his tongue out at me. Right after the truck stop we crossed over I-40.
Lunch was in a field next to the highway a few miles down the road. Several folks stopped by to visit and wish us well.
Just as I was entering the city of Lexington, the owner of the McAlexander’s Restaurant flagged me down and offered me a free meal and a place to camp. Even though it was only 2:45 pm and we had only traveled about 14 miles, it was hard to pass up an offer like that.
The horses and I are enjoying the extra downtime, they with an extra ration of hay, I with an extra cocktail. For the 2nd time in three days, I enjoyed a free steak dinner (life on the wagon can be rough!)
A whole lot of people stopped by tonight to chat and see the horses. It’s suppose to cool back down into the 40’s tomorrow, so I guess the summer festival will be over for a while.