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It Takes A Team

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Springtime Preps


3/6/12, La Garita Creek, CO - With spring right around the corner, preparations are underway for Trip #4.  The wagon should be back from the Carriage Maker at the end of the week. As soon at I pull in into the Trading Post, I’ll get to work on my trip #4 modifications.  One of the mods I’m making for the upcoming trip is a large addition to the solar power system.  I just finished writing the “Solar Power Guide” to help people get started with installing their own photovoltaic system.  Feel free to read and use this Guide as you wish.

One of the chores I have to finish in the near future is to put some new shoes on the Lads and to get the Veterinarian out for shots, Coggins Tests and Health Certificates.  So far, Doc and Bob are sporting new shoes.  The Vet is coming out tomorrow, so Bill get his shoes after her visit. In case you don’t remember, Bill is like 30% of all American men and absolutely hates needles. I told told the vet to bring a strong oral tranquilizer for him.  Hopefully this will keep him stoned so he won’t strike out with his front feet when he feels the prick of the syringe. Bill is a nice horse, but he’s an absolute baby when it comes to needles!

After hitting my fingers with the hammer as many times as I hit the nail, I have new shoes on Bob and Doc. I can sense their excitement with the new shoes on their feet.  They are Wagon Horses through and through and love the road.  It’s almost like they can sense something is in the wind and are raring to go. Well, Doc is; Bob is just thinking - I’ll go wherever my brother Bill goes!

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Digesting his morning hay, Doc is ready to lean in to the collar and hit the road!

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Bob was a good boy when I put shoes on him this morning - he didn’t lean on me once.  And when a 2200 lbs horse doesn’t lean on you - that’s a good day.

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The only one still not shod, Bill was trying to tell me, “Hey, where are my shoes - I’m part of the team too!”

Incase you haven’t heard, my pal Bernie Harberts is building a new wagon for his next adventure.  This spring, he’s hitching up his good Hennie Mule “Polly” to a mini version of the Biscuit wagon and heading off on an adventure in Canada.  Be sure to track Bernie’s adventures at www.riverearth.com.

Spring is almost here. The Magpies are showing back up and the cranes are gathering in the refuge.  As I had so many nice comments on the crane picture, I thought is would include another at the end of the blog. Take care, Bob

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Springtime stop for the Sandhill Cranes in the San Luis Valley.  95% of the all the Cranes in the Western United States stop here on their annual migrations.